Friday, October 3, 2008

rambling on

The news had a horrible story about a 7 year old boy who broke into a zoo and killed some of the animals

how awful

I have a headache

and I see Messy's bear today is bear day at school
and I thought she put the bear in messy's backpack :(

gosh can I be more pathetic?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

it's picture day today at Messy's school

you know one of the good things about her going to school, is that at least now I can have a nice picture of her at least once a year...because we know I just don't have enough pictures of her LOL

seriously the fact that she was interested enough to tell me she wanted to wear her hair down, and she wanted to wear her sparkly wale shirt


of course I let her wear the 2 dollar walmart shirt I CANNOT believe that she asked to wear it :)

She also told me she wants to be a witch for Halloween I can do THAT too :) although a few minutes later she asked if she could be santa claus

I'll be honest I think she really means she wants to *BE* Santa ROFL

gosh she seems almost normal ROFL

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Wednesday is turning out to be my really busy day

the school specialist comes over today

so even if I did have everything all done I would still be fretting over how clean the house is.

argh I am obsessed

last week I left a cleaning product out on the counter


and of course she noticed it

sooo the rest of my day will be checking to make sure I haven't left anything stupid out

I really stink at this stuff

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

a cute moo story

she has those magnetic letters from leapfrog that stick on the fridge, or they go into the little thingy and sings the song "A says ahh, A says ahh, every letter makes a sound, A says ahh" and so on LOL between that and the leapfrog movies she has the letter sounds down pat :)

well those magnets are not approved for the car, wouldn't be safe in an accident, but she must have smuggled it into the car

she does have animal, they are mostly beanie babies but she has a few others.
now she sits behind me in the car so I don't usually look at her directly usually through the mirror but she will say "mommy I got a bear" and I will growl at her and she will grown bacl,a bd then she will grab a cat and say "mommy I got a cat" and we will meow You know LOL

Well she said "mommy I got a bee" so in my head I pictured her with her little bee puppet and I said "buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzz" she didnt say a word so I looked in the mirror at her shocked face she held up her little magnet and siad "mommy it says Ba"


Monday, September 29, 2008

you gotta laugh

they still wouldn't pay for it

well I got them to pay for Messy's Lamictal, but they would not pay for Moo's Bactrim

what are you going to do?

I so cannot wait to hear the Dr say that the reflux has gone away and I can stop giving her this crappy stuff whoo hoo! October 21s a day of tests for her, they wont be fun, but I CANNOT WAIT see this is me being optimistic :)

not the best parent alerrt (it doenst sound as good as "bad mommy alert" but it's better for my self esteem)

paper he has been working on is due tomorrow
he did well writing the first draft which is graded by peers
second draft is graded by the teacher

Teacher has a list of rewrites
he doest want to do it.

I talk to him about the importance of planning ahead

I tell him that we really need to go to the store and get bread and bologna and milk

the boy said it

"why didn't you get those things yesterday when daddy was home?"

I told him I had forgotten

yup he said it

he really did

he set me up and I fell for it

yes I should plan ahead too

off to the grocery store with three grumpy kids, one who is trying to do his paper in the back of the car LOL

bad mommy huh?

I could complain but.... I am so darn lucky!

So moo's medicine has run out, but her drs appointment isn't until October 21 so you can blame me for that I wasn't paying attention but they wont refill her prescription it's expired

Messy's medication has been increased
no one told the insurance company...the insurance company wont refill it
Dh called the epilepsy clinic because the regular drs office is closed
the on call dr sent in a refill for 12 pills and we are to call our dr Monday
we figured that was set
umm no one still told the insurance company so yeah they wouldn't fill the prescription

Mapboy is on a new medication

Dh had his dr transfer all his meds to 90 supply to utilize the new money saver thingy at the drugstore

So DH's medication with the new cheaper program 70 bucks (it's really a lot cheaper)
MB's old medicine 35 bucks (no you can't return it) new medicine 35 bucks
Messy's 12 pills to tide up over until this morning was 46 bucks ( no it's not refundable )
Moos medicine well that is zero since I haven't gotten a call back from the dr yet

so in the last week the drugstore has gotten 186 bucks from us
and tonight it will be 70 more for the two girls

you know it's really scary to think of all the meds my family takes
but it's funny, like what can go wrong will go wrong kind of thing

"umm yeah sorry I couldn't make my mortgage payment because I had to buy drugs" ROFL

Gosh you knwo it isn't really funny at all

we are so freaking lucky to have insurance to help us pay for all this

sheesh I can't even imagine having to pay for all this in full?