So we have to go to a new place to get the girl's blood test now, the nurses at the Peds office don't want to anymore, frankly I don't blame them but it makes things harder for us.
So we go to Children's Hospital and they don't really know us yet so I had to warn them when we got there "she has autism and puts up a fight for the blood test" I do that because it's easier than just saying "she puts up a fight" when you use the word autism it makes them understand that you really mean it KWIM?
Don't get me wrong, they are great there, they are fast, and accurate, none of that wiggling the needle around trying to find the vein KWIM? and they are very nice.
So the phlebotomist kept taking Messsy's face and looking in her eyes...I was pretty sure I knew what was coming next...the old "she doesn't have autism" thing sure enough this woman is convinced she has been misdiagnosed
Why? she talks, she is smart, and she is a girl...apparently girls don't get Autism LOL I have to be nice, the woman is really just trying to help. And after all one of Messy's Doctors doesn't believe she has it either.
Me I've excepted it. she needs an aid to help her or she would be a total disruption in her class, she spins around, she paces, some times she will throw herself on the floor and start screaming with her hands over her ears for no apparent reason, she needs help walking down stairs, she doesn't like to hold my hand, but does like to hold her dad's, she has to draw a picture and take it with her before we leave the house, she will pick up a knife, a razor, a candle, a hot coal she never remembers what is dangerous, she would run out into the street with cars coming if she saw a blue jay, not that she does these things I just think she might if we didn't watch her every second of every day. I gotta say that if she doesn't have autism I'm Rachael Ray...and we all know that I am NOT RR LOL
You all know that April is Autism awareness day right?
I hope my vast number of followers, I think I have 5, don't get sick of my autism posts
because all month I am going to talk about autism and Messy and what I want/hope/pray for.
hey isn't that the whole reason I started this blog in the first place? to talk about Messy :)