Dear Woman at the mall with your absolutely adorable toddler boy,
My girls really enjoyed playing with your boy while you were not watching him while you were in line at the pretzel place.
It was fantastic watching my girls interact with your child, what a happy go lucky kid! but I noticed my oldest girl cringe whenever he came too close to her, and I suspected you noticed this too, you came closer and started talking with me a little. I saw the look of concern, and I suspected that you might have thought she was rude, since my girlio was acting like a regular 8 year old and her difficulties were not obvious at that moment, I chose to share with you that she has autism.
I was quite surprised at the abrupt manner in which you scooted your child away into the coffee shop, I wonder if you even noticed that you didn't get your pretzel. At first I was offended, imagine that! I was worried that you thought my child was rude when you were the one who was rude, then I had flashes of anger and sadness while looking at my pouting kids who had just lost their playmate.
Now I just feel sorry for you, I don't really know anything about you, but I imagine you live in a closed up perfect little world. Dh told me to think back to the way I was before we had kids Ok so yeah I used to be like you....I am a far better person now! I wish you and your family well! Us? we have moved on, our feelings are no longer hurt, we are a tough group our family!
This is why autism awareness is SO important. I hope your daughter didn't pick up on that rude and ignorant woman's behavior, but sadly I'm sure at one point or another she'll encounter someone else who is just as rude, and she will notice. Nobody deserve to be treated like that! It just makes me sad and angry.
wow. All I can say is wow. That mom is truly ignorant and I hope she doesn't destroy the "happy go lucky kid.." I have watched my kid get made fun of in the past few years.. a few times he did "get it".. many others he didn't. The people who live in seemingly "perfect worlds".. I think they have their own crosses.. They just may come in different challenges.
Hugs to you for enduring such a crappy example of humanity.
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