Thursday, January 27, 2011

We interupt this blog....

Originally uploaded by machris (Mary-Ann)
haha So I promised to blog more, and to cook more and blog about it, but my fridge broke and the school snow days.....

excuses excuses

I've been working on a blog entry but the laptop froze, I feel like my kid Mapboy I know what I want to say, but I can't get it out onto my blog LOL

anyway we will be shoveling, I promised to to not write until I get the driveway cleared LOL

this picture was taken a few years back, the paper guy left these tracks after a dusting of snow......gosh remember that? when you used to get dustings of snow???

Ok off to the snow....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that pic!!!

We'll be here when you figure out what you wanna say!