it was a good price
and we heard a news story about lobster fisherman basically going out of business because they were not getting enough money for the catch, yet Lobster was still priced high for hte consumer
So to do our part for the local economy LOL
we bought lobster
I looked up online how to cook it :)
I didn't take the picture
that was the guy who wants to be a professional photo0grapher that took it :) (DH)
it was easy and I learned a few things
Lobsters are easy to cook
it's not as hard as I thought to put them in the pot
they don't scream like people say
the men in the family LOVED it
the women had issues :)
actually I loved it, but the girls did not want to touch it
well until after when they played with the shells LOL
We went apple picking this weekend
to the same place MB broke his collar bone
we had not been back since, and it was a big step for the boy, because he had a little fear, and in his head the Hay maze he fell from was HUGE, but they were not really that big, and he easily climbed up and played around with the other kids on it. My new Header is him on the haystacks :)
on the other hand
it was higher than Messy's height
which meant I could not let her climb on it
I kept Moo off too so Messy wouldn't feel left out :(
but we had fun feeding goats and picking apples
this is the same place Messy has a field trip to go to this week
I know I haven't been updating much
what is my excuse?
is it
a) computer trouble
b) busy life
c) addiction to the hatchery
d) all of the above
hope you all have a nice week
Oh I had to change the setting as someone posted a spam thing and a phishing thingy in the comments and I said "Oh no you didn't!" and had to take that ability away
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